Friends and relatives of my wife were waiting for a grand celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary yet we both disappeared on that date.
In the last few months, my friends were talking about Viaje Del Sol, shinning spots of Calabazon now being promoting for the local tourism. Most of the destinations shown on the map of Viaje Del Sol are located in San Pablo City, about half an hour driving from my place.
I was looking for a place where my wife and I could celebrate our silver wedding anniversary. We didn’t intend to invite any guest, so we could celebrate privately this remarkable date of our marriage. One month ago, I called Mr. Boots Alcantara, the owner of Casa San Pablo for details. Before I could make up my mind, he replied welcoming me to visit the place. Without any question, I paid the full amount for reservation, confirming we would celebrate our anniversary at this cozy country inn.